First Chapter, First Paragraph: Tuesday Intros #54

First Chapter, First Paragraph: Tuesday Intros is a weekly meme hosted by Socrates Book Reviews where participants share the first paragraph of one of the books that they are currently reading, have read or are planning to read. According to Socrates, this meme is guaranteed to increase your TBR 🙂

This week, I am participating with The Secret River by Kate Grenville, published in 2005:

First Chapter, First Paragraph:

On Hardcover:

What do you think? Would you read this one?

In searching for a book to read for July’s Crossing Continents challenge, I rejected both Peter Carey’s True History of the Kelly Gang and The Narrow Road to the Deep North by Richard Flanagan for one set in Australia that aligns with my current reading mood. The Grenville novel just looked like it would hold my interest more than the other two.

One response to “First Chapter, First Paragraph: Tuesday Intros #54”

  1. […] mentioned in yesterday’s Tuesday Intros, The Secret River is my choice for July’s Crossing Continents challenge of a book set in […]

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